Wednesday, March 25, 2009

It's alive, I tell you, ALIVE!!

The stars have aligned and everything. is now a viable up and running website.
I'll be adding some new pens to it by the end of the week.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Light at the end of the tunnel

I finally settled on a host and now I'm waiting for the stars to align and the DNS servers to update and will be alive again.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Hosting issues

arrrgh, I finally have all of my dns issues resolved and now my domain points to - nowhere!

I can't seem to get a hold of ABP to set things up on the server side. i also need to setup email addresses too, I would love to have the ability to setup and administer my own email addresses/accounts/lists, etc...

I wonder about these people
is it a too good to be true? what's the catch?

EDIT: I just found out through a fellow penmaker who is also a Hosting co. that Hostmonster and 3ix keep control of your domain if you try to move away from them.

New pens

Here is a pic of a nice Mahogany Slimline

I just shipped out a custom order for a friend out east.
A Desert Ironwood European style pen. He said he wanted something dark and sexy so...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Semi productive today

Today I did alot of casting. I cast blanks for the Coffee bean pens today, made about a dozen. I'll probably continue tomorrow depending on the weather. If it rains I can't cast, the humidity causes the resin to foam.
I've decided to start selling the cast blanks on my site, so hopefully that will bring in some extra income.

I also made a coffee bean pen to fill and order I received Saturday at the craft fair. I'm also making a desert ironwood euro pen for a customer out east. Maybe I'll get to turning that piece I was making at the craft show (a Paudauk wood with an aluminum Celtic knot.)

Still not much progress on the website domain transfer. I'm trying to figure out why it's taking so long to transfer. Also given the availability of ABP in the UP I may give up on Zarquon and just keep the hosting at the site I'm transferring out the domain to.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Website update

Major progress. is up and running (currently on my old host) I'm waiting for the domain get transferred and then set up the new host. hopefully it'll be complete by the end of the week.

Mini show review - Palatine HS Spring Craft faire
in short - I made enough to cover the cost of the table but including the donation for the raffle I'm down. The traffic through the show was dismal, and after I setup I found out that there were two other penmakers there.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Website progress?

I think I may have founf a way to get my website back up and running again without having to pay my "friend's" account balance off.
Courtesy of I'll know over the next day or two whether it worked or not. Then I just need to get a hold of a certain ABPeed up north to get the site setup on Z

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Gallery is now working

I finally got a gallery/slideshow that is functional, updatable, and portable (I don't have to change anything when I move my site to it's new permanent home

its currently here ---> Gallery


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Upcoming Show

The next place I'll be selling my Pens and other items will be at the Palatine H.S. Spring Craft Fair.
Palatine High School
1111 North Rohlwing Rd.
Palatine, IL 60074

Saturday March 14th
from 9am to 4pm

Website issues

For those who are wondering why my website has gone M.I.A., here's the story.
A friend of mine (at the time co-worker) and I started to work on forming our own robotics company. We found a decent host and started setting things up. Since we got extra domains I set-up a domain for my pen business. Fast forward to Monday 3/9/09, I check email and get an error message for the email accounts I have at that host. Find out that the account is locked due to non-payment and I cannot get ahold of my "friend" to starighten things out. Including my pens website. This is not good, real not good. I have a show coming up this weekend and have my cards printed and everything. I'm calling the host in the morning to see if the will unlock my domain long enough for me to put it over on zarquon (finger's crossed)

So, until then, here is the temporary site/home for Pens by Kris website
Pens by Kris Website

I'll post here when I have the permanent home set up.
P.S. I know that the gallery is broken at the moment, I'm working on that too.

Today's accomplishments

I made 2 pens today.
one is a printed circuit board pen and the other one is a custom cast White/purple swirled resin that I cast last week.
I'll get pictures put up tomorrow.

Blame the Otter

I'm setting this blog up to write more about my pen-making stuff.
My doing this is all Otter's fault, blame them.

Once I get some free time I'll post more stuff here.